
Custinfo is an application that began transition from a desktop to a web application at the beginning of 2006. This application is for the sales people at MAHLE Clevite Inc. This application provides them with access to their customers sales data in both sales figures and profitability as well as several reports. This application provides reports in both Print and Excel formatting.

Main Page of Custinfo
The Main entry page for Custinfo gives the salesperson a overview of the sales data for territories or regions they control. For users, such as our controllers, with several sales regions and territories are shown a collapsed table to present a more organized view of the data. The Show/Hide territory links changes the CSS display property of its associated data to reveal a more detail picture.
Historical Records 2007
An historical records section was added allowing the sales people to access several years of historical data. This page groups sales by product group codes showing sales for the current month and sales to date for the current year. It also show the same data for last year with the variance between the two years. The buttons are styled using for CSS so no new images have to be made. A Profitability tab is added for controllers and sales managers.
Historical Records Summary
When a sales person click on the summary tab, a graph is generated to show an overview of sales for a particular customer.
Monthly Reports Selection
One of the primary purposes of this site is to generate various reports for the sales people. This page allow the reports to be grouped by sales region or by market/customer codes. As seen in this screen shot, the customer code list is being loaded dynamically into page in order to save the amount of loading time of the page to select all the data needed to generate a report.
Descending Report
One of the reports shows the customers data for a particular sales region sorting them by the sales numbers.
Customer Selection
The customer selection portion of the sight allows the sales person To find customers that meet certain criteria by filtering their sales region, state, and city. The state and city fields similar to the customer code list on the monthly reports page is loaded with XHR allowing them to appear without reloading the whole page.
User Administration

Note: This portion of the site is undergoing some massive changes in preparation of combining two similar sites into Custinfo with varying users and permissions between applications. I will prepare screen shots when more of this project has took a final shape. This includes the addition of user groups and the ability to perform more maintenance tasks from the front end of the application. This portion of the application has remained unchanged from the development of the application early last year despite the addition of several tasks and a growing user base from the initial 20 users to nearly 90 users that are currently using the site.

This page allows a user to update their personal information including email and passwords. These are updates are performed using AJAX as well. The screen shown in this particular screen is from an administrator's account. This privilege allows the administrator to update the accounts of other site users. Other administrative options on the site include adding/removing a user and updating the regions associated with a user.
When a user updates a password is uses JavaScript to pass an md5 hash of the password to the server. The script on the server checks the hash against the hash of some known low security passwords (i.e. password). The current criteria of the JavaScript requires at least six characters with at least one uppercase character and one numeric value.